Is it just me, or does Naperville seem to be churning out reality stars with amazing regularity? First (that I can remember, anyway) was Gina Glocksen on American Idol, then came Nicole D'Ambrosio on The Apprentice, and now we have Jessica Rickleff, the *winner* on VH1's Rock of Love! Dang. How many suburbs can claim that much fame? Not many I imagine.
Not only that, what's really notable is how well our famous girls have done on their respective shows. Jessica ('Jes') was the outright winner of ex-hair-band-star Bret Michaels' affections (he was the lead singer of Poison in case you've intentionally blocked the 80s from your memory), but Gina was also a top contender on Idol and Nicole came very close to being Trump's Apprentice.
Who's next? My prediction: a Survivor contestant! Just watch, it's gonna happen eventually because that that show just refuses to die.